Sunday, August 9, 2009

''Learn To Speak English or Tagalog With Kindness''

Speak English or Tagalog with Kindness is very important to us,especially for us student because we will be practice to speak English or Tagalog frequently.
If we go to abroad atleast we know how to speak English.We all know that English Language is the ''Universal Language''.If we go to other country we will understand each other.If we commit mistake or wrong grammars don't be afraid or shy because it is the way to trained us.If we are lack in English words we must consuklt our dictionary, so that we will learn more about it..
We can practice Speaking English or Tagalog in School or even in our own house.....

1 comment:

  1. . , .nOse bLeEd ang Blog mOoh!!pReNd!!?????
    KeEp iT uP!!!!
